Project partners

Konečný prijímateľ

Štátna ochrana prírody SR


ŠOP SR je osobitnou odbornou organizáciou Ministerstva životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky s celoslovenskou pôsobnosťou, zameranou najmä na zabezpečovanie úloh na úseku ochrany prírody a krajiny vrátane správy jaskýň podľa ustanovení zákona č. 543/2002 Z.z. o ochrane prírody a krajiny v znení neskorších predpisov a na úseku ochrany druhov voľne žijúcich živočíchov a voľne rastúcich rastlín reguláciou obchodu s nimi podľa ustanovení zákona č. 15/2005 Z.z. o ochrane druhov voľne žijúcich živočíchov a voľne rastúcich rastlín reguláciou obchodu s nimi a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov.

Partner 1

Institute of High Mountain Biology

University of Žilina


The Institute of High Mountain Biology was established under the supervision of the University of Žilina in 2000. Main target of Institute is developing and coordinating biological science of alpine ecosystems in West Carpathians Mountains. Residence of Institute is in the north of central High Tatras Mountains in Tatranská Javorina. Main part of studies is oriented on an impact of the climate change and pollution of atmosphere.

Another tasks of Institute are primary from microbiology, molecular ecology, zoology and ethology science. Institute of High Mountain Biology provide chances of interesting outdoor work in terrain in the Tatra National Park. Main building facilities are biologicals and molecular laboratories with analytical instrumentations, conference hall, accommodation for 20 research workers and 20 students. Besides main research workers has Institute work opportunity for external Slovak and abroad external workers, whose studies are financing by the EU and SR projects and grants.

Partner 2

University of Bern

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

CDE is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Bern. Its overarching goal is to produce and share knowledge for sustainable development in cooperation with partners in the global North and South. CDE conducts research to develop innovative concepts and solutions for the sustainable use of land and water resources. It also offers a range of services for planners and decision-makers that are closely linked to research. One of CDE’s central concerns is to foster dialogue between science and society while contributing to global debates on sustainability and development. In line with the University’s mandate to promote sustainable development, CDE offers various courses of study in sustainable development.